ARIA (Advanced Rogue Intelligence Assault) takes place in space after the events of Umichan Maiko Classroom Cheaters and the sequel Umichan Maiko Classroom Havoc. It follows the story of Jeo as he battles his way through GemCo agents to undo the wrong done to him.
Includes the Prologues for main heroines.
Developer: Spiral Vortex Play – Patreon | Website
Version: v2.8 Full
Censored: No
Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux / Flash
Language: English
Side Story: Aria: The Rookie
Genre: Visual Novel, Big Tits, Nurse, MILF, Loli, 2D Art, Nude, Masturbation, Intercourse, Sci-Fi
Unzip, Use the flash players corresponding to your OS to play.