Broken Victory [v0.1] [ShlongWrangler]

The year is 2021 1945, the world is in shambles, and Maria Akrapovic returns from the war against the Germans as a highly decorated fighter pilot. She joins the staff of nurses at a mental ward for war veterans, only to find that the war may be over, but her personal fight for survival is not.

Facing a mixture of envy and distrust in a fragile micro cosmos she realizes immediately that her old life means nothing in her new one, and that she has to work her way up and work around obstacles aplenty.
You have the option to play things in a variety of ways, and you will be faced with choices you would rather have avoided, to make it through the days – and nights. You will be exposed to people who may as well be inmates themselves, and inmates who seem like they have their head in the right place.

Developer: ShlongWrangler – Patreon
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English
Genre: Female Protagonist, Lesbian, FM, Rape, Masturbation, Humiliation, Romance, Adventure, BDSM

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First Release

Rating: 1.9/5. From 312 votes.
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