“Demon Hunter” is an immersive virtual reality game where players seamlessly transition between the game world and reality. As the player becomes the strongest in the game, they may discover that their friends, partners, and relatives have undergone unexpected changes. This game revolves around the theme of NTR, and all characters with images will have developed storylines.
Developer: Evils – Patreon | Ci-en | Discord |
Censored: No
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, 2D game, Male protagonist, Monster, Turn based combat, Adventure, Vaginal sex, Oral sex, Cheating, Groping, Teasing, School setting, Milf, Big ass, Big tits, Creampie, Netorare, Animated, Parody
Extract and run.
1. Added a few new screens, mainly for when the characters are first introduced.
2. Reset most of the CG, Total 3.01G of content reset.
Most of the CG’s lighting effects, camera, screen, scene construction, expression details, etc. have been modified.
There’s also some completely new footage that uses different perspectives to show off. This is a complete addition, not a modification.
Reset all static images.
3.Recorded a set of moans for all the main characters.